Baccvus Mobile App


Said Tori


Mobile App Development


5 Months

Project overview

The Baccvs app is a secure community platform designed exclusively for invited individuals to ensure a safe and enjoyable party experience. This innovative app provides users with a unique opportunity to discover and connect with parties happening nearby, all while maintaining a high level of security and privacy.

One of the standout features of Baccvs is its ability to showcase a curated list of parties in your vicinity, allowing users to explore and join events that match their interests and preferences. Whether you’re into dance parties, casual gatherings, or themed events, Baccvs has you covered, ensuring that you’re always in the loop about the hottest social gatherings in your area.

But Baccvs isn’t just about finding parties; it’s also about reliving the excitement. Users can access a library of party videos that provide a glimpse into the atmosphere and energy of past events. This feature allows individuals to make informed decisions about which parties to attend based on their personal taste and style.

What we did for this project

Project Assessment:

Alright, let’s dive into the Baccvs project. Picture this: the client had hired a freelancer to create the app, but things were going downhill. They’d already invested quite a chunk of change, but the app just wasn’t measuring up. So, they reached out to my team and me, looking for a lifeline.

Requirements Gathering:

The first step? We needed to figure out exactly what the client had in mind. We sat down with them, asked tons of questions, and got deep into their vision for the app. We needed to get on the same page before we could roll up our sleeves.

Product Planning:

With the client’s vision in mind, my team and I mapped out how we’d bring it to life. We laid out the app’s features, functionality, and structure. The goal was to make sure it ticked all the boxes for the client.

UI/UX Design:

A crucial part of the puzzle was designing an app that not only worked flawlessly but also looked slick and user-friendly. We fired up Figma and got to work creating an interface that would make users grin from ear to ear. Making it user-friendly was a top priority.

Backend Development:

Now, let’s talk tech. We picked Python as our trusty backend language – versatile and robust. To ensure smooth communication between the frontend and backend, we used FastAPI, a nifty web framework for Python.

Database Integration:

Storing and managing all that data was a big deal. So, we set up a SQL database. This made it a breeze for my team to handle all the app’s data, from user profiles to party info.

System Design:

To ensure the app could handle a massive load of users and parties without breaking a sweat, we put on our architect hats. My team and I dove into system design, defining how all the different parts of the app would work together seamlessly.

iOS App Development:

And, of course, there’s the iOS app. My team and I built it using Swift and SwiftUI, two rock-solid tools for crafting sleek and efficient iOS apps.

Project results

So, there you have it – we gathered the client’s requirements, laid out our game plan, designed the user interface, tackled the backend with Python and FastAPI, handled data with a SQL database, thought through system design, and whipped up the iOS app using Swift and SwiftUI. The journey to transform Baccvs into the ultimate party app has been quite the adventure!